Well, I for one have had one of those weeks.
When some days felt like I was swimming through treacle. When I felt tired and grumpy.
When the feedback from many clients was that they were feeling the same.
Yet the acorns dropping from the oak tree onto the lawn, my ragtag flock of pet sheep – Agatha, Hastings, Virginia, Reggie, James, Gatsby, Zelda, Charlotte – dogs, cats, turkeys, and family all kept me grounded.
Grateful for what I have.
(and grateful to the super talented John Ferguson …. Commercial – Editorial Photographer for the first of my new photos x)
So, I remember that advertising slogan of yesteryear: Thank Crunchie It’s Friday. I don’t eat that bar anymore but I am thankful it is Friday so I have six steps to end the week on a high, get you through Friday and any day next week tbh.
They are:
💥 Focus on actions aligned to your WHY
💥 Remove distractions
💥 Ignore the ‘Itty Bitty Shit*y Committee’ in your head
💥 Don’t do it! What is on your STOP DOING LIST?
💥 Acknowledge what went well this week
💥 You get to choose. Always remember this
Want to change how you feel in two Friday’s time?
Then sign up to The Aligned Life course inn 2023 and learn how to thank Crunchie it is every day in your aligned life.
Find out more here: https://bit.ly/3ErNNPC
If you’d like to watch the Webinar of how to put the Itty Bitty Shit*y on mute follow this link – https://keap.page/iyx729/itty-bitty-evergreen.html