Toxic Leadership
can be really tough to deal with....
Set your own boundaries:
Here are a few gentle steps to help you set your own boundaries:...
Why, you ask?
It is essential that leaders check in on the mental health of their employees....
From a the Desk of a Therapist
In my practice, I often encounter clients....
Workplace stressors
are factors or conditions within a work environment...
Life in Flow
Everyone I work work with strives for balance in their life...
Prioritising your mental health
in the office is not just a matter of personal comfort...
It’s not just senior management….
🚫 Is Burnout Your Unseen Badge of Honour?...
In the digital age
virtual recruiting has become the new norm....
Discover the Hidden Perils of Overfunctioning 🤯
Feeling stressed, unsupported, and exhausted?...
Inclusivity is in danger
Being just a buzzword or box ticking exercise....
I failed to plan for cancer on my ‘Year Ahead Planner’ 20 years ago....
As a clinical/RTT hypnotherapist
I've seen how prioritising work can come at the expense of personal well-being....
During life’s chaos
A single moment can spark profound change....
Where there is a will, there is a way.
In the words of the saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way."...
You never know what you'll get next—a plot twist...
Let’s get real for a second.
Ever had that nagging feeling that maybe...
Sometimes, our mind feels like a jumble of thoughts, right?
It's like trying to untangle headphone wires – frustrating!...
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent!!!
Ever had that moment where the radio waves seem to align perfectly with your thoughts?...
Some stories are with sharing.
Remember you are a human being, not a human doing...
Your work behavior can make or break your team’s morale.
Are you a glow of good vibes or a storm of negativity?...
“Ever wonder what mask you’re wearing?”
Imagine being drawn towards one path only to be rerouted onto another....
In the fast lane of our daily live……..
In the fast lane of our daily lives, it's too common to overlook the significance of self-care and kindness towards ourselves....
I’ve loved sunflowers since my time of holidaying in Umbria in Italy....
Only connect ????????
Below are some key components in the world of human connections. The sort of everyday actions that leave you feeling like you can move mountains....
The Secret Sauce for Human Connections ????
In a world where everyone's fighting invisible battles.......
Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?
It might be more than just a rough patch—you could be on the path to burnout....
Let’s Acknowledge
How exhausting it is to pretend that our relationship are perfect....
Ever had your mind feel like a busy intersection during rush hour?
Grab that trusty pen and let's turn down the chaos. Just write. You can write for the waste paper bin if you want...
Ever wondered what the magic number for success could be?
This week, the number 80 keeps drawing my attention a lot....
Brace yourselves for a dose of pure inspiration! ????
I saw this post some time ago and as many of my clients are reporting that life seems heavy going at present I want to share....
Let’s Acknowledge
The best part of being human is being able to connect with other humans....
Business Leader
Leadership burnout is the topic of the latest Business Leader podcast and why businesses should be concerned about key members on the gruelling journey of building a venture....
Life can be unpredictable and filled with challenges.
Developing resilience is key to bouncing back from adversity. Here are some techniques to help you cultivate resilience:...
In face of adversity we can have a choice.
We can be bitter or we can be better....
Very thought provoking post ????
The evolution of the employee in today's rapidly changing world, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence, calls for a shift in mindset, adaptability, and an emphasis on adding...
Navigating Fear and Uncertainty in Today’s World
Just over four years since lockdown, fear and uncertainty have become pervasive elements of our daily lives, evident in many of my therapy clients. Add to this the rumours and conflicting stories...
“Quiet quitting”
"Quiet quitting" refers to a situation where employees disengage from their jobs and the organization without openly expressing their dissatisfaction or resigning....
Reimagining Mental Health in the Workplace.
It is self evident that prioritising the well-being of employees is more important than ever....
Have I have introduced myself properly?
Business info… I am an Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), NLP Coach & Clinical Hypnotherapist....
What brings you joy?
I was away a few weeks ago in Bakewell, Derbyshire. Two days working. Scoping out a new spiritually led course which I’ll tell you all about in due course. Suffice it to...
This is Gino
This is Gino. Well didn’t January feel like it went on forever?! Back at the start of January, all the media was awash with the usual New Year’s resolutions stuff. I asked Gino what his New...
Learn from top athletes how to embrace failure
Learn from top athletes how to embrace failure – I’ve been learning a great deal about sports psychology as I’m coaching a top sportsperson at present. There are several things that...
Check your brain filter, be aware of bias, and trust your heart.
Recently I have been conducting team development training with a company in Derbyshire. It has necessitated a lot of preparation and several trips on roads busy with tourists. It has led to some...
Take control to help deal with redundancy and shock change
We are in uncertain times. In my previous PR and Marketing career, I was made redundant three times. The first time as a young, loyal member of staff in a start-up business who had endured long...
💥THANK CRUNCHIE IT’S FRIDAY! Well, I for one have had one of those weeks. When some days felt like I was swimming through treacle. When I felt tired and grumpy. When the feedback from many...
Happy Diwali all ✨
I was introduced to this beautiful festival c1988 when managing the U.K. PR for the Institute of Indian culture. I learned about and saw beautiful dance; bharatanatyam being my favourite. Loved...
What is Duty?
Duty: how do you balance daily your duty to your clients, shareholders, staff? to your family, to yourself and beyond that, to your community or what you believe in? What is duty?noun1. 1. An act...
Everyone experiences change and transition.
In your career.In your personal life. I’ve had many.From fluctuations in my career (I was made redundant x3 times and I built a £1m+ company from scratch and sold it) to out-and-out career...
Do you need some words of comfort today?
Do you need some words of comfort today? Have you heard of phonagnosia?It is an inability to recognise voices. Dr Brad Duchaine, an expert on phonagnosia says: “Voice recognition may not...
Nothing heralds the start of the summer holiday season for me as much as the Wimbledon tennis championships. When I was an impoverished student in London, I was lucky enough to work at Wimbledon...
Close the loops and create time for yourself
“If only I had two more hours each day,” you say, “I’d get it all done,” or “I’d finally have two hours for myself.” This is something I hear repeatedly. The bottom line is: How do you become...
Results not going to plan, a new plan may be the making of you.
If you are worrying about your exams (or worrying about your children) know that it may not go according to plan — the future you thought you had lined up may not happen. But another one will...
Get out of your own head!
There are many ways to quiet the overactive mind, including the following: Change ‘What if?’ to ‘What is?’. Instead of ‘What if…happens?’ ask yourself...
Do you really give customers what they need? Henry Ford, famously said that if you would have asked people what they wanted (prior to the motor car) they would have said: ‘A faster horse’....
Take childhood inspiration and follow all your dreams
In the words of the Spice Girls breakthrough song ‘Wannabe’, if you ‘Tell me what you want, what you really really want’ then ‘I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want’ in...
Dare to dream
I love to potter around the giant car boot sale that is held in my village each Saturday morning. It is a mix of stalls selling fruit and veg and new items plus an eclectic assortment of goods. I...
The worst chat up line I ever received was when I was in my mid-20s in a bar. A chap leant over and said in a broad accent: “Fancy a drink? By the way I smelt ya before I saw ya!”. I was wearing...
Reset your internal filter and focus on positive opportunities
I recently splashed out on a new computer. My old one was seven years old and really showing the strain and as this is an essential piece of business kit for me I dug deep and now a shiny new...
Talking about mental health should be the new norm
I’m surprisingly sad that the Olympics is over. Despite the usual plethora of warnings beforehand that it may be compromised or lacklustre due to Covid restrictions it turned out to be a triumph....
A professor stood before his philosophy class and picked up a very large jar, filled it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They said yes. He then picked up a box of...
Filling the cracks with gold.
“There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen My friend Liz Goulding is a talented artist living and working in Newark. You may be aware of her work at...
Sometimes it is just so exciting when you check your emails and one like this appears – Brainz 500 Global list of 2021
Sometimes it is just so exciting when you check your emails and one like this appears – “I’m happy to announce that your name has been selected for a spot on the Brainz 500...
Habits for Success
❔Have you started the week well? ❔What are your habits for success? ❔Or are you habitually making plans and promises to yourself and then…well…not following through? Let’s keep it simple. Here is...
Don’t just lash out in anger, take control of the situation.
On the last bank holiday weekend, my niece and great-niece came to stay. How lovely it was to spend time with family after such a long time apart. My great-niece was in tears when my cat, Manuel,...
Upcycling thoughts
A friend of mine has a business that grew out of a hobby. She offers ‘upcycled’ and ‘repurposed’ items for sale. Lots of Shabby Chic furniture and items that have been made into something...
I really love the musician Tom Walker. He has a song called ‘How can you sleep at night?.’ In it he says: ‘tell me do you think I deserve this?’. Clearly he has been rejected and he is...
Where there is a will there is a way
Where there is a will there is a way. Er no. Experience has probably taught you that well-intentioned actions can be thwarted and you end up feeling worse than before. But it is NOT because you...
No need to wait for old age to search for happiness
In the late Nineties I was PR consultant for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards when Prince Edward took over the main duties of chairman from Prince Philip. For six months I turned up at Windsor Castle...
Constant And Never Ending Improvement.
CANI – I discovered this concept when handling the PR for Tony Robbins and attending his Date With Destiny Course in the mid 90s. It stands for Constant And Never Ending Improvement. It’s...
80% is good enough!
This week the value of 80% keeps popping up. According to just a few reports: · 80% of success comes from your mindset ...
Is your business slow to change?
It is vital that everyone in your team or organization feels they have a voice and can invest in and contribute to your vision and values. As an empathetic and open leader, it is important to ask...
Live what you learn and learn what you live.
As a therapist I find myself saying to clients regularly that, ‘You live what your learn and you learn what you live’. In other words, many of our values, strengths and weaknesses are due to the...
National Umbrella Day.
Your umbrella can help you to have a better memory. Most people think that they don’t have a good memory. So for starters, say to yourself, if you are momentarily struggling to recall something,...
Take a lockdown look inside and discover what you love
In 2019 I was visited by a client who had cited depression as his causes of needing therapy. He arrived in a Ferrari. In our conversation he told me that he had sold his company and had more than...
Remember rituals to keep a sense of normality
While people of all ages have been struggling this year, recent research suggests that young people are more stressed and anxious than other age groups....
How To Break Old Habits Before They Break You
Over 40 per cent of our daily actions are habitual. Think of them as repeat responses (that have worked for us in some way in the past) that are automatically fired by our brains as a shortcut to...
The deeper why behind decluttering your life
Having more time at home, I have finally turned my attention to decluttering and also to sorting out my filing. Although I’m relatively tidy, I also know that the garage and ‘those cupboards’ are...
Nurture Yourself From The Inside Out
It was my birthday last month. Sadly, on my 50th birthday my darling Dad Alan died of a heart attack so amidst celebrating, I always have some more mortal thoughts. One is always about getting...
Rejection, Acceptance and the Sacral
Rejection started popping out at me from Social Media and, as if on cue, I experienced it once more. It’s horrible, because it smacks at our precious connection with other people, our humanness....
The joy of missing out
For my birthday, my boyfriend bought me six sheep. They are greedy and single minded. Up close, their breath is terrible. But they let me stroke their wooly heads and they look into my eyes with...
Guide the way by sharing your story
It was the sense of needing to share and tell my story that was the driving force behind me writing my first book ‘Reset! A Blueprint for a Better Life’ that was published two years ago on...
How to walk your talk
Twice this week, whilst on coaching calls to clients, I found myself sharing personal experiences as I show up being vulnerable and as authentic as possible during my sessions. Each time, I was...
How satisfied are you with your job?
What is your job satisfaction level? We all need to work to make money, and we all hope to be doing a job that we enjoy, that helps us grow, that we wake up to with joy. Take this short quiz...
Dealing with a perfectionist manager
Many of my clients are busy, high-performing professionals, working in high responsibility roles. So, I’m often asked about how best to interact and deal with perfectionist managers. Here’s a...
The importance of being a storyteller
As humans, our primary need is for connection. Tribal people are united by telling stories around the campfire and this is the way in which their wisdom and heritage is passed on from one...
Live life your way
Many people go through life living a lie, pretending to be someone they are not and they are miserable. In this time of reassessment and ‘new normal’ going forward this is the moment to find out...
‘We’re all teachable souls’
I love the idea that we are all teachable souls. Recently I discovered a podcast by this very name that is based on the premise that we can't possibly learn all the lessons we truly need to learn...
How to see this time of challenge as a new time of opportunity
As we move into another week of lockdown here in the UK, what most of us are really craving right now is not another cake recipe or online Zoom yoga class (although these things are certainly...
Open hearts and minds give the gift of perspective
In this time of lockdown, I’ve been struggling a little as I didn’t feel totally well and had to finally stop, listen to my own inner wisdom, and rest. While that involved lots of fresh air and...
The Time We Spring Cleaned The World
Like many others, I’ve taken my business 100% online for the foreseeable future and yet, presently, with lots of uncertainty, I want to stress some points of reassurance for you. For some time...
Making Remote Working into Rewarding Work
Perhaps the newest virus that is sweeping like wildfire across the web is that of remote working as CoronaVirus drives people to work from home. For a while, led by rather flashy digital nomads,...
We’re Human Beings, Not Human Doings
Busyness has become a currency by which we often measure our success and fulfilment yet it can leave us exhausted and feeling like we are being pulled in too many directions. This is certainly...
Getting to the Root of Your Anger
In my book Reset! I openly admit to being angry often in the past and even breaking things when I reached boiling point. Recently I had occasion to get angry again, something I hadn't done for a...
Random Acts of Kindness
This week, there was a special day - it was ‘Random Acts of Kindness Day’. I love the idea of being kind and paying it forward. I also love the idea of seemingly random things actually being...
Surviving Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is here and don’t we know it: our inboxes are pinging with special offers and romantic break ideas, adverts are telling us where to go for a lovely meal for two and supermarkets...
A letter to my younger self
Change and healing only happen when you can come to a sincere and heartfelt appreciation of all of your life experiences, even the unpleasant and painful ones, and see how they have led you to...
See the Good in the World
Last week, I had an overdue coffee catch up with my friend Jules. At one point she passed me a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses, saying, “try these on and look at the light”. I did and all I...
Overcoming the Brain’s Negativity Bias
Every day there will be something to be grateful for. Even if it was the nice chap on the underground who offered you his seat as he saw how weary you were. A smile from your grandchild. A moment...
Knowing which screw to turn
Whatever you do for a living or whatever life you are making for yourself, it is always a question of working smarter not harder. Like the 80/20 rule that asserts that 20% of our effort results...
Creating your own boundaries
My ways of working have changed considerably in the last few years and as I neared the end of last year, I realised that I was longing for some sunshine and walks on the beach. As I give advice...
Happy New Year!
As this is my first blog post of the New Year, I wanted to share some helpful resources to help inspire you for the days and months ahead....
Take good care of yourself this festive season with my ’12 Ways of Christmas’
I love Christmas. Yet there have been times, including the year my mother died, after my husband and I separated and when I was ill, when Christmas felt less like ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and more...
Are you self-sabotaging your goals?
You know that goals work and that you should set them. The Internet is awash with advice for setting SMART or other clever-sounding goals. So you set some. And then by February 2, Groundhog Day,...
What’s your life vision?
I was really reminded about the importance of setting meaningful goals two years ago when I went to Barcelona and attended a course called LifeBook. During this course you drill down across 12...
Christmas jumpers are about connection
We wear some interesting clothes today but underneath we are still like others. I visited many remote tribal people when I was Head of Marketing for an international charity and I found out that...
Radical forgiveness…
Hardly a day goes by when I don’t see the terrible price people pay for not letting go of past hurts. Forgiveness is key but for many clients I’ve worked with, the shift to forgiving some hurt...
A Key Leadership Lesson
What are your leadership lessons? What have you learned from an experience in life that shapes how you turn up each day as a human being? It's worth thinking about it as there will be valuable...
Let’s be like sunflowers
Recently, I learned that sunflowers turn to each other on cloudy days so that they can share their energy until the next sunny day. Then, last week, I read that a team of researchers at the...
Viva las Vagus
Recently I have been excited to find, what seems like, the ‘missing link’ that makes the whole mind and body connection so much more powerful and understood than even I had realised....
The Gift of Pain
Recently, while loading the car before a long drive, I leant across the back seat to grab something and my back spasmed into pain. I then endured an agonising three-hour drive and several days of...
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. No way!
Do you have willpower? Are you the sort of human who has the self-control and drive to push through life and obstacles in good ways, perhaps starting with your early morning exercise and positive...
More Knowledge Won’t Make You Successful…
I got caught up, a few years ago, in a loop of thinking that I needed to know more and more in order to be a successful therapist and coach. I still read informative stuff everyday but I have...
The Power of the Five F’s
The wonderful way to check daily if you are living a whole and balanced life is to think about the fingers of one hand. You have five fingers so you need always 5F's. These comprise: Faith,...
Upcycle your thoughts
A friend of mine has a business that grew out of a hobby. She offers ‘upcycled’ and ‘repurposed’ items for sale. Lots of Shabby Chic furniture and items that have been made into something...
Using words for good
What I didn’t realise, until I became a therapist, was how much damage words can do. The adage of "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is utterly wrong. Broken...
Make Christmas cosy, not crazy
I love Christmas yet I have memories of trying to juggle work, kids, family, extended family and more and ending up in tears, drinking Santa’s sherry while wrapping the kids presents in the early...
Tackling loneliness
You would think that that is now a thing of the past, but no. It is not. In our busy modern lives, it is estimated that over 40% of us will feel the aching pangs of loneliness at some point in...
Remove the mask
What is it about masks we don’t like? Well, they unnerve us as they don’t show you the true person as they are hidden. But how many of us wear masks every day?...
Learning to say no
The British are notorious for saying sorry and we often apologise for other people’s mistakes, such as being bumped into. However, on my recent holiday to America, I noticed that this trait is...
How to reconnect with yourself and kick overwhelm into touch.
Probably the most insidious issue facing everyone today is overwhelm. It can creep up on you and you start to procrastinate as a defense mechanism against it. Instead of doing that urgent piece...
True love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have.
The depth of emotion I felt when watching the Royal Wedding of Harry and Megan took me by surprise. I found myself crying. At first, tears of joy and then something deeper and sadder. As I...
Rejection Cuts the Deepest
"Rejection doesn't mean that you aren't good enough; It means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer."...
That Cup of Poison
Game of Thrones is my guilty pleasure for TV viewing. As the various ‘Houses’ (families and tribes) fight each other to win control of the seven kingdoms there is not much mercy shown to ones’...
The New Old
By 2020, a third of the workforce will be 50 plus. Over 50s spend a greater share of nations’ income than any other group and they are now the UK’s 9th biggest mortgage lenders. The bank of Mum...
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Victoria Carter
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