Energy Boosting Mantras

Energy Boosting Mantras

Benjamin Franklin would wake up everyday and ask the question: “What good shall I do today?” Are there areas of your life you’d love to improve? If your answer is yes, then you will want to train your brain with new beliefs and a great tool in that toolkit is...


💥THANK CRUNCHIE IT’S FRIDAY!Well, I for one have had one of those weeks. When some days felt like I was swimming through treacle. When I felt tired and grumpy.When the feedback from many clients was that they were feeling the same. Yet the acorns dropping from the oak...
What is Duty?

What is Duty?

Duty: how do you balance daily your duty to your clients, shareholders, staff? to your family, to yourself and beyond that, to your community or what you believe in? What is duty?noun1. 1. An act or a course of action that is required of one by position, social...
Everyone experiences change and transition.

Everyone experiences change and transition.

In your career.In your personal life. I’ve had many.From fluctuations in my career (I was made redundant x3 times and I built a £1m+ company from scratch and sold it) to out-and-out career changes.To ‘retiring’ at 41 only to have to enter the workforce again five...