“Ever wonder what mask you’re wearing?”


Imagine being drawn towards one path only to be rerouted onto another.

This was my reality. Back in school, my heart yearned to weave words into stories as a journalist. My knack for expression even earned me accolades in various writing competitions.

But fate had other plans. A lack of financial support for my postgraduate aspirations directed me away from the halls of journalism into the realm of PR.

PR: a world I barely understood beyond its association with press releases. Yet, I seized the opportunity, discovering an unforeseen talent within me.

I donned a mask—a facade of confident extroversion to conceal my innate introversion – an extroverted introvert no less. At 24, I became adept at this charade, burying my true self beneath layers of performance. And this rather successful performance continued for nearly 20 years.

But beneath the polished exterior lay a yearning for authenticity, a desire to shed the layers of pretense and embrace vulnerability. To stay at home when my career demanded that I go out to yet another dinner or event. To snuggle into a book wearing PJs when instead I had to get ‘suited and booted’ or dress up to the 9s (it was the 90s!).

Only upon ‘retirement’ to the Bahamas in my early 40s and the implosion of my life, starting with cancer, did my true, no-holds-barred journey of self-discovery start. Luckily, I found guidance along the way, not least through the wisdom of Brene Brown and her illuminating work, ‘Daring Greatly.’

It was a path fraught with challenges, yet each step brought me closer to uncovering my true identity.

After all, the most captivating stories are those told with unwavering truth.

Sometimes I still put on a mask, intentionally, like Beyonce becoming Sasha Fierce when she steps on stage. But it is deliberate and rare.

So, ask yourself today: Am I being true to myself?

If not let’s jump on a virtual coffee and I’ll show you how.


#authenticself #authenticity #integrity #vulnerability #coachingprofesional therapyworks