Your work behavior can make or break your team’s morale.


Are you a glow of good vibes or a storm of negativity?

Positive work vibes aren’t just a luxury; they’re the rocket fuel that propels teams to greatness. So how can you take action to be a positive team player or leader?

Empathy: Tune into the frequencies of your colleagues’ experiences. A sprinkle of understanding can turn a tough day into a triumph.

Collaboration: Break down barriers. Embrace the beauty of diversity.

Support: Offer a listening ear, a word of encouragement, or a helping hand. Sometimes, the smallest acts of kindness speak the loudest.

Constructive Feedback: Approach discussions with a spirit of growth and improvement. Let’s lift each other up, not tear each other down.

But beware the villains lurking in the shadows: toxic work behaviors.

From office gossip to power plays, these villains threaten to unravel the very fabric of workplace harmony. When I ran my own PR company I had little tolerance for this and found the antidote was to get buy-in to a values contract that became the moral glue that held us together.

How do you contribute to a positive workplace?

Share your thoughts below!

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