Integrating your new ways of thinking into powerful ways of being and achieving

RTT & Coaching by expert Rosalyn Palmer
Rosalyn Palmer transformational coaching in addition to hypnotherapy

Award Winning Coaching

The clinical hypnotherapy/RTT therapy is like root removal and repair, revisiting the past to first identify and remove the root cause of an unwanted behaviour or thought pattern. Then to move to rewire the subconscious beliefs that have held you back and heal at the deepest level. This creates a powerful emotional release and stops the ‘Groundhog’ day of repeated painful patterns.

Coaching can then address the conscious understanding and new liberated desires you have enabled. To re-imagine and realise how life can look and feel and then to create a blueprint to get you there.

My award-winning Trust Transformation six-week package combines coaching and therapy. It won an award based on results and testimonials from happy clients.

When used pre-therapy, the coaching helps to uncover the layers that may be hiding the root cause of your faulty beliefs and behaviours. Like an onion, there are layers to deeply held beliefs and a coaching session utilised in this way is like counselling. It allows me to hold space for you whilst we gain a greater understanding of the core issue. This process can make the subsequent therapy session more honed and powerful.

The power of transformational coaching in addition to hypnotherapy.

To explain the difference, I like to use the analogy of a garden with weeds. It is, at best, frustrating and at worst, fruitless, planting new seeds in a garden that is full of weeds. The weeds will choke the flowers and ruin their bloom. My skilled transformational therapy is like root removal and repair. In revisiting the past to first identify and remove the root cause of an unwanted behaviour or thought pattern. To rewire the subconscious beliefs that have held you back and heal at the deepest level. This creates a powerful emotional release and stops the ‘Groundhog’ day of repeated painful patterns.

Once that soil is free free you can make it fertile again then the seeds for a wonderful future can be planted which is where the coaching comes in.

Adding coaching as a service four years ago was client-led as many of my business clients, who had removed the blocks that were holding them back via RTT hypnotherapy, asked me for life coaching and business mentoring advice. After all, I have a proven background in business that is also steeped in coaching, training and development and marcomms.

As a self-made businesswoman able to retire at age 40. As PR to many of the World’s leading life-coaches including Tony Robbins and as former Head of Insight & Innovation for a T&D company and Head of Marcomms for an International Charity I can walk my talk. I offer transformational NLP based coaching that can realign your life and your business so that every aspect that makes you is in balance. I’ve been there and changed mine successfully too.

Rosalyn Palmer Award-winning Coach

I’m more present and I just know with clarity where I am going now

“I was wearing many hats, and in the process completely lost myself. Working with Rosalyn allowed me to realise in my life where I was not congruent with myself, what really mattered to me. I’m more focused, I am more confident, more content and my husband, I noticed that I loved him much more.

I’ve started to go to the gym, I walk every day. I’m more happy, I know where I want to take my life, I know what I want to do. I trust the future, I’m grateful every morning when I wake up and I’m grateful every night. I just enjoy life. I’m more present and I just know with clarity where I am going now. Would I recommend working with Rosalyn? Yes, absolutely.”

Frederique Morris

Her work is transformational

“Rosalyn shares the gift of in-depth hypnotherapy with coaching. She is brilliant at both but when combined, her skills provide a potent cocktail and her work is transformational. In a crowded marketplace she stands head and shoulders above the rest .”

Michelle Bridgman

VIP Bespoke Coaching – POA

If you need additional support across all the areas of your life, to support times of challenge for your emotional well-being, your health, your relationships, your business, finances or more then you can opt to work with me as one of my personal clients.

I only work with a maximum of four clients across each six-month period to enable us to work closely together. The number of hours or frequency of contact (as this is not an hourly clock-watching service) will be agreed after the initial Trust Transformation package six-week journey is completed.

Please enquire below for further details.
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Victoria Carter

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