Are you suffering from HOGO?

Are you suffering from HOGO?

According to publication ‘The Week’, first there was “FOMO”, the fear of missing out. Indeed, there is a buzzword of Fomo-sapiens: humans prone to fear of missing out. Now it seems people are suffering from “HOGO” – the hassle of going out. You know it...
Dare to dream

Dare to dream

I love to potter around the giant car boot sale that is held in my village each Saturday morning. It is a mix of stalls selling fruit and veg and new items plus an eclectic assortment of goods. I find that increasingly many take me down memory lane. This week, it was...


The worst chat up line I ever received was when I was in my mid-20s in a bar. A chap leant over and said in a broad accent: “Fancy a drink? By the way I smelt ya before I saw ya!”. I was wearing the perfume Poison at the time. Smell is extremely important when it...
Habits for Success

Habits for Success

❔Have you started the week well? ❔What are your habits for success? ❔Or are you habitually making plans and promises to yourself and then…well…not following through? Let’s keep it simple. Here is how to have habits that make you feel great as they are achievable: H:...